About us

Praxis has a rich history as a leading faith-based, socially responsible investment manager. We offer ETFs, mutual funds and a money market account. All Praxis products are broadly diversified. All are consistent with our work to apply Praxis’ faith-driven core values to serve our investors and the world.

How we started

Founded in 1994, Praxis Investment Management® was established to help people and groups integrate their finances with their values through easily-accessible investment solutions. Praxis is a company of Everence Financial®, a comprehensive faith-based financial services organization helping individuals, organizations and congregations.

We believe that the Great Commandment tells us to:

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” - Mark 12:30-31

When we apply the Great Commandment to our money, it means we need to be just as concerned about the impact of our investments on others as we are about the financial returns we receive.

At Praxis, we do this through stewardship investing – a philosophy of financial decision making that balances social and financial considerations and is motivated and informed by our faith convictions.
Core values

Living out our beliefs

Our core values embrace a wide range of the social concerns our faith calls us to contemplate, as well as traditional, prudent, financial considerations.
Tree canopy from below

Core values

We strive to create products and portfolios that:

  • Respect the dignity and value of all people.
  • Build a world at peace and free from violence.
  • Demonstrate a concern for justice globally.
  • Exhibit responsible management practices.
  • Support and involve communities.
  • Practice environmental stewardship.

Meet the staff

Meet our fund managers, stewardship investing and other staff.

News and stories of impact

Stay up to date on Praxis news and read inspiring stories about the impact of our investing.