Faith-based investing

Our investing philosophy, which we call stewardship investing, establishes that financial decision-making can be motivated and informed by faith. It holds in tension a responsibility for the productive use of financial resources and a deep-seated concern for the individuals, communities, and environments that are impacted by our investment choices. We consider stewardship investing an intrinsic part of who we are as people celebrating God’s generosity and actively following the example of Jesus Christ.
Colorful woven baskets sit in a pile.
Founding principles

Living out our values

Our founding principles grow out of the 500-year-old Anabaptist faith tradition and inform our approach to modern faith-based investing.

  • Our faith values inform and are exhibited in all aspects of our lives.
  • We are called to work for peace, justice, compassion, and spiritual transformation.
  • We are caretakers of Creation and the communities around us, and we must preserve them for future generations.
  • We are called to be financially productive - to make good and wise use of all the resources God has entrusted to us.
Core values

Commitment to shareholders

Our core values help guide how we evaluate the companies we invest in. While few companies may reach the ideal in all aspects of social responsibility, these guidelines articulate our expectations for corporate behavior.

1. Respect the dignity and value of all people.

2. Build a world at peace and free from violence.

3. Demonstrate a concern for justice globally.

4. Exhibit responsible management practices.

5. Support and develop people and communities.

6. Practice environmental stewardship.

Impact investing

Measuring real-world change

We take action on our convictions through impact investing, and what we call ImpactX.

ImpactX helps investors go beyond the familiarity of investment screens and begin to understand the relative difference various impact strategies can make. Like impact itself, X is a variable, X can be a multiplier, and X is often an unknown.

Impact is a factor that must be carefully processed rigorously managed, continuously explored and routinely redefined. That's our goal.

Investing together, impacting the world

Overhead shot of a forest and lake.

Reports and stories

Download the most recent quarterly and annual Real Impact Reports or view the latest articles to get an overview of how your investments can make a difference.

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