Benjamin Bailey, Vice President of Investments


Benjamin Bailey discusses the opportunity to make targeted, positive impact investments through green and social impact bonds.

Benjamin Bailey, CFA®, is Vice President of Investments and a Senior Fixed Income Investment Manager for Praxis Investment Management® and Everence Financial®, a leading provider of faith based financial products in the United States. He is a member of the organization’s investment management committee and has more than 20 years of experience in fixed-income investing. He has served as co-portfolio manager for the Praxis Impact Bond Fund since 2005 and co-portfolio manager of the Praxis Genesis Portfolios since June 2013. He also acts as co-portfolio manager on internal insurance portfolios and externally managed client accounts. 

Benjamin Bailey, CFA, Vice President of Investments, Co-portfolio Manager of Praxis Impact Bond Fund | Praxis Mutual Funds

Cited in The Wall Street Journal, Money, Barron's, Bloomberg and the Associated Press, Benjamin has spoken on Green Bonds and investing for a low-carbon economy at the US SIF Annual Conference, the SRI Conference and other national venues. In 2014, he was named a NextGen Bond Manager to watch by, highlighting a handful of managers younger than 45 who are quietly outperforming many of their peers.

Benjamin joined Everence in 2000, assisting portfolio managers as a socially responsible investing research analyst. A graduate of Huntington University, he earned the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation in 2003 and has served as president of the Investment Section for the American Fraternal Alliance. Benjamin often serves as a resource to regional and national organizations and events on positive investing in the bond market.

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