Community investing

Sustainable investments promoting the inclusion and development of underserved communities through community investing offer the most potential for real-world change where it is needed most.
Colorful blocks
How it works

Investing in global good

Praxis® commits a small portion of each fund to deep-impact, concessionary investments that bring direct benefits to low income and underserved communities here in the U.S. and around the world.


Meaningful partnership

We partner with various financial intermediaries such as Calvert Impact and Capital Impact Partners, that use innovate finance and collaborative approaches to achieve transformational community impact.


For more than 20 years we have channeled a portion of each fund into deep-impact, concessionary investments that bring direct benefits to vulnerable communities around the world. 
Inspiring stories

Making a difference

Read some of the most recent highlights in community investing. 

Books stacked together
Community development investing

Greenline Ventures finances women and minority enterprises

Praxis enriches communities through empowering literacy

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Solar panels in rural area
Community development investing

responsAbility addresses access to clean power globally through innovative financing

Empowering clean energy for a sustainable tomorrow

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Stages of tree growth
Community development investing

Reflecting on the Growth of Impact Investing

GIIN’s 2024 State of the Market highlights how the impact investing industry has grown and changed

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Affordable housing
Community development investing

Driving affordable housing solutions for a more equitable future

Praxis supports initiative to preserve affordable housing and strengthen communities

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Sharing in community impact

Praxis supports organizations through investments in our impact partners, Calvert Impact and Capital Impact Partners (CIP). These organizations channel investments to national and international markets that have been left out of traditional financing with the goal of bringing transformational change to the sectors and communities served.
Calvert Impact logo

Calvert Impact

Calvert Impact is a global nonprofit investment firm that helps investors and financial professionals invest in impact-oriented solutions that people and the planet need.
Capital Impact Partners

Capital Impact Partners

Founded in 1982, Capital Impact Partners is a leading nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) that invests in underserved communities across the U.S.
Founding principles

Why community investing?

Since 1994, we have shaped our approach to impact by asking the question "What more can we do?" – and integrating new strategies as they emerge over time.

We are guided by our core values, seeking to hold in tension a responsibility for the productive use of financial resources and a deep-seated concern for the individuals, communities and environments impacted by our investment choices. 





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Foreside Financial Services, LLC is not affiliated with Calvert Impact or Capital Impact Partners.

You should consider the fund’s investment objectives, risks, sales charges and expenses carefully before you invest. The fund’s prospectus and summary prospectus contain this and other information. Please read them carefully before you invest.

Investment products are not FDIC insured, may lose value, and have no bank guarantee. Praxis Mutual Funds and Praxis ETFs are advised by Praxis Investment Management, Inc. and distributed through Foreside Financial Services, LLC.